Rescue women with pollinosis! For women who think of pollinosis, it is called a new product monitor for pollen disease! There is no way to release it as soon as you catch it! Of course, it will be refreshing! I will sexually harassment for the time being! Sexual harassment remarks that have no basis for pollen disease in the consultation are issued! "Is your boyfriend a niece?" or "You're having sex?" And ... because it seems suspicious to meteorite, at the timing of unscrupulousness, stop the consultation so as to run away! Among them, suspicious men who call themselves a pharmaceutical company are said to be sexually ill and out! Let's get out of the house because we are women! I was invited by a couple who suddenly started sex in the waiting room, and went out as it is! At first, everyone showed a little resistance, but it was weak to push and could not beat pleasure, I felt as if there was no pollen disease and it was frightening! Everybody is ready to go! pollinosis is painful, isn't it? i can't stand it. using that as a trick, it's not sex treatment. bravo! !! ... look at everything